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Sponsor a Horse

Why Sponsor a Horse at Back of Beyond?

Back of Beyond has several horses in need of support. Many of these are old, rescued and retired horses. These special horses are an integral part of our summer Christian Ministries, Biblical Counselling and individual sessions. All these programs promote the saving hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are offering a sponsorship opportunity for interested individuals. When you sponsor a horse or pony, for a month, at $300 (the actual cost of feed, bedding, hoof trimming, vaccinations and veterinarian care) you receive an update and a photo. Sponsors can schedule in-person visits to develop your own horse connection for that month. Please call or email when you want to visit.



Also known as Big D, Damascus is a big energetic fun-loving guy. He is always one of the first to come for food.


Magnum is a handsome pinto with striking blue eyes. In his younger days he was a barrel racing horse but now he is retired and enjoying life as a therapy horse.


Ranger is the cutest Norwegian Fjord with a very big heart. He is sometimes a little nervous but he always aims to please.


Eddie is the leader of all the big black Percherons. Also known as Steady Eddie he is one of our favourite sleigh horses.


When you first meet Tom you notice how gentle and laid back he is. Tom has EPSM which means, unlike other horses, he gets most of his energy from fat not carbohydrates. So, Tom gets one cup of oil in his feed every day. This condition is genetic so there is no cure. However, luckily for us, Tom loves his oily food.


Elvis is a beautiful palomino pony. He used to be a show pony but now he is happy to be retired. It takes a lot of brushing to keep that golden coat clean.


Tall, dark and handsome; Phoenix is the most gentle of all the big boys.


Apollo rules - he is the top horse over all of Back of Beyond. He is getting older now, but even so, in his mind he is young. He came as a boarder years ago belonging to someone else - his personality was large but his owner outgrew him and was happy to settle him at Back of Beyond. Apollo is a great teaching horse and an excellent leader. He takes care of his herd really well and is best friends with Damascus. He is always up for a good brush and loves to participate in arena activities. He does not like the hose or fly spray!


Digby is the cutest pony ever. He was a barrel racing horse in his younger days but he retired due to a stiff hind leg. He spends most of his days with his friends happily eating hay.


Frosty is a pinto Miniature Horse with the craziest mane and forelock. He has asthma so he requires special medication, especially in the summer months.


Duke loves to run everywhere he goes. He is high energy and very friendly.

Our Horses

Most of the horses at Back of Beyond are rescued or retired show horses. Their riding days are over. They still, however, have much to give and many things to teach people, young and old. For the horses who call this place home, Back of Beyond offers a safe haven, a gentle hand, and a life purpose.

Our Sponsor Program

Sponsoring the care of one of our horses enables us to ensure quality care for them. Your support will help with the cost of feed, bedding, hoof care, vaccinations and veterinarian bills.

Sponsor Benefits

  • Receive updates and photo of your horse
  • Come for scheduled onsite visits to develop a connection with your horse

Sponsor a Horse

  • Which Horse Would You Like To Sponsor?

back of beyond

Experience the Heart of Equine Adventure and Community

Contact Us

2572 Muskoka Rd. 10
Huntsville, ON P1H 2J3

+1 705 380 5226

[email protected]

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